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上海世博会越南馆效果图 碧海、蓝天、青峰、翠竹。2010年上海世博会越南国家馆将主打“竹子牌”,让置身其中的游客远离都市的熙攘和喧嚣,尽享乡野风情,欣赏越南如诗如画的山水景观。 越南馆占地约1000平方米。越南文化体育旅游部决定由越南展览中心负责上海世博会越南馆的设计和布展工作,同时要求国际合作局同越南相关部委、越南驻华使馆及中国驻越南使馆密切联系,务实、高效地落实上海世博会参展的各项工作。世博会期间,越南馆还将向前来参观的各国游客介绍具有“海上桂林”美誉的下龙湾,并动员大家积极投票推选越南下龙湾为新的世界自然奇观。 首都河内今年将迎来升龙建城1000周年。除在国内举办丰富多彩的纪念活动外,越南还将利用上海世博会这个平台,向全世界介绍这座千年升龙城的古典与时尚。因此,“河内升龙建城1000年”成为越南馆展示的主题。越南文化体育旅游部有关负责人表示,越南馆将充分运用多媒体手段,介绍河内的历史、现在与未来,以及越南独特的文化与人民的和谐生活。不同于钢筋、混凝土建筑,矗立于上海世博会展区的越南馆将展现独具特色的越南建筑风格。9月2日是越南国庆日,这一天也将作为越南国家馆日。 上海世博会也让越南百姓充满期待。越南中部顺化市的阮明春老人,已在顺化皇宫外做了20年三轮车夫。他对记者说:“从电视上看到中国发展很快,国力不断增强。中国举办2010年上海世博会有强大的经济实力作后盾。越南经济也在快速发展,基础设施不断完善,希望有朝一日世博会也来越南安家。”河内市民阮薇也对记者说,精彩绝伦的北京奥运会是中国带给世界的一个惊喜,上海是中国经济的发达地区,上海世博会一定会带给世界另一份惊喜。
 Love my people and I love people Words: Xu Changde Song: Yu, Hung Ming I love people who can not hope I know that I am willing to wait Hurt those who can not love me Moment of tenderness is to deceive I am not a heartless person Shift the deepest wound you I could not bear I can not Please do not seriously Forget my people I love people who can not be separated I know that love needs of ...
When the bright moon is accompanying the star star billows forget, my train of thought supports by the arm the moonlight to return to your one"s side, has not left, do I how start moved? My shed, I do not think of fondly, my family members, I once helped one another in difficult time schoolmates------ cannot forget the broad classroom, the green and glossy drill ground; Cannot forget senior professor who, cover all the various grassy plants garden talks incessantly; ...
I have one month of graduating from college, so fast. Blink of an eye to the Chinese students I have been a five and a half years. After graduating from university I have to stay in graduate school. My Mommy Come see me in this, although the recent graduation, graduation examination, I tired, but the fans just want my mom to see me, what has not tired, I believe that many students have told me such a feeling do not? ...
more and more did not want to write the thing recently, in the life also does not have any something new to be worth writing down. is listening to "Picture Heart", that song really good suits with the urheen plays; Mentions the urheen, one kind of inexplicable sad adverse current becomes the river. is nondescript regarding bow stringed instruments" that sentiment, I like the finger very much the feeling which skids in the string, starts really from the most bass, ...
As the music slowly out of love Blue astringent campus, campus of the pairs of lovers, with the graduation ceremony of the arrival of their love for their end. In spite of the reluctant and want more, but most schools were faced with the reality of the society or their own development, and also tears for the love of this campus to write an end. The first time I hear this song when I was ...
【The origin of coffee】 On the origin of the legend of coffee there are several, "Chaldeans story raising goats (originated in Ethiopia)": This is the Faust of Lebanon linguists. Neroni the "I do not know the monastery to sleep" (1671) documented. 6th century Ethiopian highlands, feeding goats at the end of the Chaldeans found a flock of sheep day and night, has been very exciting. After an investigation, the original that always flock to the Hill to eat shrubs on ...

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