Nhật ký của luckyduck307
luckyduck307 viết vào ngày 03.09.2009
I'm don't know anything to control my feeling I'm feel too tired. I thought that I don't care about him but I feel sad when I listen a conversation of him and some boy in my class. they asked him about the girl they saw he went with on road in the evening, but he did not recognize. He told she was the girl friend of his friend, everybody did not believe him and me too. Then, we started new lesson but I don't know why I feel sad, I don't want smile or take care anything around me. I thought that I was angry but I did not have any reason to angry with him, nothing, he not belong with me. Suddenly my teacher asked them to work impair with my partner, he was my partner but when they worked when he looked me in his eyes I feel empty same that nothing was happened. What should I do now???
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Gởi bởi funny vào ngày 03.09.2009 04:11:53
wow! i think u like him...u care,u sad,u angry...and i am sure that he is an "vip" for u
i think u can attract him...u can talk with him a lot,smile ,help him when he needs,u can try to be a lovely girl in his eyes...make he laugh....ok firstly,u become his friendship...but if he has a girlfriend ,u should forget him...(i think that a best choice)
what do u think about my plan? is that ok?
Gởi bởi luckyduck307 vào ngày 04.09.2009 03:26:00
I think it OK, may be I'm not sure but I'm worry because I'm telling-litter I'm not talkative but I always smile. All the time when they sit together only him make me smile a lot sometime me but not usual, I don't know how to make he smile. Although he same me smile a lot but he can make somebody near him smile a lot but the thing I can do only take care of everybody in my class. Sometime I worry because he smile a lot when sit near a girl in my class but she is funny she can make he laugh too much
""""but if he has a girlfriend ,u should forget him...(i think that a best choice)""""
Of course I don't think I'm silly girl, If I had any change I will try but if he has a girlfriend i will forget him
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