Nhật ký của luckyduck307
luckyduck307 viết vào ngày 23.08.2009
I'm afraid
I'm thinking about Tien but I don't think that may be I like him but I'm not sure. Today is a beautiful day for me, we talk together, he sits near me and I can feel he of mine. when he turn back see me talk some question and smile with me I can feel the strike of my heart. I can't explain it but when I near he my face very hot. I smile with a joke of Tung when he tells: " Tien, I have never seen you study hard before work impaire with Lananh". After that he smiles a lot, I don't know it may be happen again at another time but I think it make my life have fun and I really like it. May be it'll be a beautiful memory of me but I afraid about this, I worry when anybody tell that I like him although it may be a joke in my class. I don't know exactly about my feeling but I hope it not a love.I think he has a girl friend because for me he handsome most in my class, his family rich, he is funny he alway make everybody near he smile a lot and he study hard. So I'm feel worry if I like him
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