Nhật ký của caro_carot
caro_carot viết vào ngày 18.05.2010

There you are, misunderstanding and hatress !____! You got me at the most unexpected time. I don't know how to treat people more approriately, at least to show them what I really mean. Super annoying!!!!

Since I don't know how to restrain myself from talking back, fighting back and throwing words back, it causes more headache mistakes after all. Aiishhhh, I hate misunderstanding, everything just gets super complicated. Like in drama, most of the time people break up or start to hurt each other all because of misunderstanding. How to tackle this problem with the rite attitude? Being thick-faced smiling and fake answering or totally don't-give-a-damn silent. Seriously I don't know. The real one I really love to follow usually not that wise choice. Screw them all!!!!!

Pretend to care when you hate it.

Pretend to be normal when you face it.

Pretend to enjoy when you are supposed to be scared.

That's HARD :(


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