Nhật ký của caro_carot
caro_carot viết vào ngày 16.03.2010
Only heaven knows what you've been through

Dear diary,

I've been through a lot these days. All is insignificant and meaningless, but strangly enough it helps to speed up my spirit, a lot. Although sometimes frustration follows, I can feel love in the air.

I love my best class. I love my dearest family. I even love strangers whom I have never met once. They're my energy source to start a great day.

However, little burden is still there. Is it a cycle of life when you gain something new and intentionally forget what made you who you are today? I'm guilty but a part of me doesn't want to accept that fact. Distance makes people grow a part even if you put your best effort into it. :(

I don't know how long will it last and how far I keep it going. Finding the rite timing is as hard as rebuild your inner side.



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