Nhật ký của caro_carot
caro_carot viết vào ngày 13.03.2010
Falling slowly

I'm addicted to something really weird lately. It happened several time but strangely enough, this is the most irritating one out of them. Argggg, losing focus, hook on dreaming, dazed for a whole day. What does it call exactly?

I've never experienced the bittersweet of love, not yet since I always consider myself not to be ready for such a complicated feeling. Watching other people, I never even get jealous for one but why this time, it's haulted me like a miserable spirit. They are too beautiful to be true. They are heavenly match for each other.  I started to loose my belief but as time passes by, it's growing on me more than ever. That's why they say true love has no ending.

I don't know whether it's a right path to go. I don't know how much I will suffer lately. I don't know if happy ending will ever come. But I won't regret looking back. They might go on their seperate paths later. But I believe, they will never be able to forget all those precious moments they spent together, treasured together.

I'm going nuts in this kind of boiling weather. More than that, I'm being insane by this kind of fantasy - timeless - immortal love..

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