Nhật ký của caro_carot
caro_carot viết vào ngày 11.03.2010
Trapped behind this velvet line

Temptation is everywhere. I'm getting myself burried in a virtual world again T.T My stubborn head is not strong enough to withstand a weak fragile heart inside. Arrrggggg, it's too much to handle yet I'm willingly giving in. Wth is this?

Why does everything look so fantasy and pinky promising when reality is harsh and cruel? BAM!!! It's gonna be exploding in any minutes. Why don't I feel blissfully happy instead of tiring eyes and a heavy heart?

I lost my innocent mind ages ago >.<  And I want it back nowwww. It's absolutely not the rite time to be on nine-cloud. Be realistic, girl! Snap out of it or it's gonna eat you alive, soon, very soon.

I miss the chilly gloomy weather in Beaston, where I can cover up myself in black-thick-formal coat. Looking back is always painful.

How to bring the best out of me while I'm not even trying to put any efforts into it?Just being mind-determined is not enough. I need more self-sarcrifies than ever.

Trapped behind this velvet line...

When all this bittersweet temptation comes to an end?


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